List Op

This operation run a list action and returns a paginated result.

List Action is a REST action which runs cannot return a full result and needs to do it in chunks.

All created list actions need to implement ListAction interface

Definition: ["list", <name: expression(string), string>, <data: expression(array)>]



This operation runs user requesting properties "username", "email", "user_id"

["list", "users", {
   "properties": ["username", "email", "user_id"],
   "filter": {"email":  "test"}


This is an example response of a user list action showing two users in one result. Total denotes total amount of results for this action and the passed filter.

   "total": 2,
   "result": [
      {"username":  "test1", "email":  "", "user_id":  1},
      {"username":  "test2", "email":  "", "user_id":  2}

Typical Usage

You would use this in actions which need to return lots of data in places such as tables or paginated reports.