
Operations are used during the requests to handle specific actions. You can pass multiple operations in one request.

You can find all the supported operations below:

Operation Definition
Value ["value", <literal: any>]

Returns a literal value directly as a result.
Take ["take", <number: int, expression(int)>, <result: expression(array)>]

Takes a number of items from an resulting expression array and returns them.
And ["and", <check1: expression(boolean)>, ...<checkN: expression(boolean)>]

Runs AND operation returing true if all check values are true.
Or ["or", <check1: expression(boolean)>, ...<checkN: expression(boolean)>]

Runs OR operation returning first true value from check.
Not ["not", <check: expression(boolean)>]

Runs NOT operation on result of check.
Get ["get", <key: string, expression(string)>, <result: expression(array)> [, <default: expression(any)>]]

Gets a value specified by key from a result.
Compare ["compare", <valueA: expression(any)>, <operation: string, expression(string)>, <valueB: expression(any)>]

Compares results of valueA and valueB by using operation
If Else ["ifElse", <check: expression(boolean)>, <trueResult: expression(any)>, <falseResult: expression(any)>]

Evaluates check and returns trueResult if true or falseResult if false.
Map ["map", <key: string, expression(string)>, <value: string, expression(string)>, <result: expression(array)>]

Maps result to key-value list where key is specified by key and value is specified by value
Object ["object", <object: array[key -> expression(any)]>]

Evaluates all expressions in an object and returns the result with same populated keys.
Coalesce ["coalesce", <result1: expression(any)>, ...<resultN: expression(any)>]

Evaluates results sequentially one by one and stops and returns on first non-null result.
Merge ["merge", <result1: expression(array)>, ...<resultN: expression(array)>]

Merges resulting arrays in result1, ..., resultN into one array.
Sort ["sort", <by: expression(string, int), string, int>, <direction: expression(string), string>, <from: expression(array)>] or
["sort", <direction: expression(string), string>, <from: expression(array)>]

Sorts result in ascending or descending order.
Sequence ["sequence", <item1: expression(any)>, ...<itemN: expression(any)>]

Evaluates all items in a sequence and returns the result of the last item.
Var ["var", <name: expression(string), string> [, <value: expression(any)>]]

Gets or sets a variable to be used during a request.
Cast ["cast", <into: expression(string), string>, <from: expression(any)>]

Converts one value into another.
Run ["run", <name: expression(string), string>, <data: expression(any), string, int, float, null, bool>]

Runs one action and returns it's result.
List ["list", <name: expression(string), string>, <data: expression(array)>]

Runs list action returning paginated data.